Friday, August 14, 2009

My 3 year old!

I made it through the terrible two's... not that anything has changed all that much! Here are some cute pics from Maddie's birthday bash on August 1st. We had her cousins over as well as other family members and our new pastor's wife and girls. Maddie had a blast and loved every minute of it. She wasn't even freaked out when we sang "Happy Birthday" like she did last year.

Ariel (a.k.a. Little Mermaid) is Maddie's favorite princess right now. She's always liked her and the movies. She likes to sing along with the song, "Part of Your World." She doesn't have a sudden birth mark on her face, it's chocolate cupcake remnants...

I'll have some other pictures to post later this weekend. My sister-in-law made a copy of her pics for me.

1 comment:

thecrazysheeplady said...

The video is just precious! I'm glad she had a good birthday. Did she get a bike?